Step 3: Practice, Practice, Practice!

This past weekend, I went to the Alvin Ailey SI audition with my good friend DeDe. I can say that this was the BEST audition that I have had yet! I used all of the auditioning skills I learned from the previous auditions and applied them to this one.

I was nervous at first, since there were a TON of people there (I believe the numbers started around 50’s and ended around the 150’s? aka TONS OF PEOPLE!). Thankfully, I think I did amazingly! Whether I get in or not I am very proud of myself.

This was an awesome experience though, a full audition with ballet center and Horton techniques. The things I noticed: a couple which were very intimidating and good! They ballet ran together to the center for every phrase and held their hands in proper positions before they would begin.. They even dressed alike! How cool?!? There was this cool girl I had seen from the LINES audition, she was accepted to LINES, who blew me away YET AGAIN! I feel I did great in the entire audition except the darn petite allegro section.. its my kryptonite. The worst part was that it was an easy combination, just had to get my head together. Overall, this audition was not as bad as the Hubbard Street and LINES auditions.

Still, more training is needed.

I am glad to say that I am continuing my training at school: Pilates, Ballet III, Floor Barre, and a ballet class outside school. I am very excited to see my progress and cannot wait for whats to come: “Solo for Shoes” at ACDFA, and performing with NRD at Celebrate Dance and at the Marsee Theater in El Camino on my graduation day (B.s Physics).

Lots more to come!

Goal: $5000 (this accumulates to the cost of attending one intensive)
Due: May 2013

If 100 people would donate $50 my goal would be successful (but any amount of donation is appreciated)

I can be reached at RMEDINA49@TOROMAIL.CSUDH.EDU
Also at my Facebook

Thank You for your time!

